WIFI & Wireless Terminals
PAX A920
ELEGANT Smart Mobile
The A920 combines the full features of an Android tablet with a powerful POS payment terminal, all in a sleek and compact design. Behind the A920's large HD screen lies a high capacity 5250mAh rechargeable Li-on battery for continuous operations throughout the day.
The revolutionary terminal that started it all. The A920 combines the full features of an Android tablet with a powerful POS payment terminal, all in a sleek and compact design.
Valor VL110
Pay At The Table Made Simple
Handheld POS
GPRS / 4G and Wi-Fi Connectivity
Large Scale Touch Screen Display
Signature Capture and Pay At The Table
Merchants have the ability to add a Cash Discount/Non-Cash Charge fee or Surcharge percent to tip at a Pay At The Table environment.
On-screen tip suggestions allow you to offer your customers 4 different tipping options, set and customized by you, through the Valor Merchant Portal. Smart tipping is also available on paper receipts.
Valor VL500
Wireless Pay At The Table Android POS Terminal
Handheld POS
Large Scale 5.5" Touch Screen Display
Secure Android Platform
Full Transaction Information Display
Signature Capture and Pay At The Table
Paperless Signature / Receipt Option
Contactless Payment / Bill Splitting
Tipping Cash Discounting / Surcharge On Tip
GPRS / 4G and Wi-Fi Connectivity
Auto-Connection Failback Procedure
Dejavoo QD4 Desktop Android
Bluetooth, IP & WiFi
Large touch screen
50 ft. paper roll
One Android kernel for all terminals - supports all stand-alone and semi-integrated features and functions.
Larger, sleeker flat screen with wider keys for easier use
Enjoy the freedom & value of mobility with EMV security!
Enhanced, more powerful battery for improved and longer performance
USB-C charging capability allowing for more flexible charging opportunities