Countertop Terminals

Valor VL100

The Ultimate Countertop Solution

Countertop POS

Ethernet, Wi-Fi Connectivity

Large Scale Touch Screen Display

Signature Capture

After completing a transaction, your customers have the option to receive their receipt as an SMS text receipt, email receipt, or paper receipt. This creates a large reduction in paper costs for you as a merchant. A digital copy of all sales receipts with your customer’s signature is stored in your Valor Merchant portal. This is an amazing feature for fighting chargebacks.


Pax A80

Android Desktop

The perfect countertop solution for small & mid-sized businesses

Versatile enough to work as a countertop or indoor portable payment terminal thanks to its optional battery backup. Always running at peak performance, full connectivity means the A80 is a reliable workhorse that will process payments safely and fast, even during the busiest hours.